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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Major PUD Modification Case 2023-332
The Township Major PUD Modification Process:
Grunder Landscaping (Case 2023-332) – Major PUD Modification
Recently, Grunder Landscaping, on behalf of TKSB Properties LLC, requested a Major PUD Modification in order to change the way the property off of Wilkens Boulevard is used. The formal application received by the township for Grunder Landscaping is to construct a landscaping business on the vacant 3.12-acre property zoned General Business Planned Unit Development (G-B PUD).
When a Planned Unit Development (or PUD) is involved, a major modification request must go through two stages. In the first stage, the preliminary plan is reviewed and evaluated; the second stage involves another review and evaluation of the final (site) plan. The applicant is only permitted to go to the second stage if the first stage is approved by the Deerfield Township Board of Trustees. The Grunder Landscaping application is currently in the middle of the first stage (Deerfield Township Zoning Commission Review).
One zoning commission member was absent from the December 11, 2023, meeting (Ms. Kristi Budd). The zoning commission is comprised of five (5) board members. When there are four (4) members present, a tie vote [two (2) yes – two (2) no] moves forward as a recommended denial to the Deerfield Township Board of Trustees. In such a case the full board is not present, the applicant is given the option to move forward with review by the available members or request to continue the case in progress until all five (5) zoning commission members are present to vote on the application. At the meeting, the applicant formally requested the case be continued in progress until all five (5) members are present. The Zoning Commission unanimously accepted the applicant’s request and voted (4-0) to continue the public hearing for Case 2023-332 until the next regularly scheduled Zoning Commission meeting on Monday, January 8, 2024. No public comments or further board discussion occurred on the case.