Blog Entries - May. 2021

Memorial Day Ceremony 2021
ATTENTION RESIDENTS: The Marine Corps League Chosin Reservoir Detachment will be conducting a brief ceremony to commemorate Memorial Day on Monday, May 31st at the Deerfield Honors Veterans Memorial at Cottell Park
The Township Rezoning Process: The Lawson Property - Preliminary PUD Plan
Recently, Silverman & Company Inc., on behalf of Charlie & Bonnie Lawson, requested a change to the way the property off of Tylersville Road is zoned and used. The formal application received by the township for the
King Avenue Brief/Intermittent Lane Closures
Lebanon, Ohio – Deerfield Township, Warren County, Ohio – Expect possible traffic delays due to brief/intermittent lane closures on King Avenue between the Little Miami River bridge and Miami Street in Kings Mills
U.S. 22 Bridge Rehabilitation Slated To Begin - Route to be closed over Little Miami River June 7
Warren County (Wednesday, May 12, 2021) – The next phase of a dual bridge rehabilitation project is set to begin in Warren County, where contractors for the Ohio Department of Transportation will be rehabilitating

National Police Week 2021
This week marks National Police Week and Deerfield Township would like to recognize the outstanding work done by the officers of the Warren County Sherriff’s Department especially those stationed at the Deerfield Post