Blog Entries - May. 2020
Flooding Issues in Township
Please be advised: Due to the record amount of rainfall we are currently experiencing, flooding issues have been reported throughout the township. This has resulted in the temporary closure of roads

Warren County Park District Summer Challenge
Starting this Memorial Day and going to Labor Day, the Warren County Park District is challenging kids to do the 100-Hours-Outside Summer Challenge. ANY time outside counts! Every child who completes the
Lily Drive Road Closure Extended until Thursday, June 11, 2020
Public Notice – Board of Trustee’s Work Session - May 19, 2020
Due to the ongoing public gathering restrictions in place to address the Covid-19 pandemic, the Deerfield Township Board of Trustees meeting scheduled for 5:30 PM on May 19, 2020 will take place virtually via Facebook
Public Notice - Deerfield Township Region Storm Water Board Meeting - May 12, 2020
Due to the ongoing public gathering restrictions in place to address the Covid-19 pandemic, the Deerfield Township Regional Storm Water District Board meeting scheduled for 6:00 PM on May 12th, 2020 will take place

Important Notice - 2020 Summer Camps Cancelled
The Board and Administrative Staff at Deerfield Township has made the difficult decision to cancel all of our 2020 in-person summer camps. We are working on alternative options for families to safely conduct activities