Blog Entries - 2017
Pinnacle Lane at Bethany Road to be closed Permanently in Deerfield Township
Lebanon, Ohio – Deerfield Township – The Warren County Engineer’s Office will be closing Pinnacle Lane at Bethany Road permanently, effective Monday, November 20, 2017. Access to Bethany Road and Pinnacle Lane will be from the newly constructed Hudson Hills Lane and Isleworth Lane. Alternative access roadways available for use are Cherry Brook Lane, Heritage Point Drive, and Roberts Park Drive.
Statement regarding the completion of the Innovation Way Extension and the former Kingswood Golf Course Property
On Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017, the Warren County Transportation Improvement District announced the opening of the Innovation Way Extension. With the completion of that project, the former Kingswood Golf Course property also has reopened.
Pedestrians are reminded to pay particular attention to new roadwork in the area and new travel patterns for local traffic to ensure their safety and the safety of their pets. Please be mindful of traffic when using new pedestrian crossings at each leg of the new roundabout and keep all pets on a leash per township regulations. (Read the Deerfield Township Park Rules & Regulations here: A mid-block crossing also is being evaluated as new travel patterns are established in the area.
More information about this project can be found at:
Downtown Deerfield Visioning Session Meeting Cancelled
Deerfield Township, OH — November 8, 2017— The Board of Trustees wishes to announce that they will be cancelling the November 29th, 2017, Downtown Deerfield Visioning Session, which was planned to be held at Fire Rescue Station 57.
Information regarding future meetings related to that project will be announced once they have been scheduled
Deerfield Township Trustees Meeting Cancelled 11/8/17
CONTACT: Deerfield Township Office – 513-701-6958
Deerfield Township, OH — November 7, 2017— The Board of Trustees wishes to announce that they will be cancelling their November Board of Trustees Regular Meeting, which was scheduled to be held on 11/8/17, at 5:30 pm; 4900 Parkway Drive, Suite 180.
The meeting is being cancelled due to scheduling conflicts.
This notice, stated purpose, and location are provided herein by requirement of Ohio Revised Code §121.22, Ohio Public Meetings.
Interstate 71 lane closures scheduled
Warren County (Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017) - Portable concrete barrier installation in the median of Interstate 71 requires various nightly lane clousres next week.
Lane closures on north and southbound I-71 between Western Row Road and State Route 741 each night from 8 p.m. until 7 a.m. Monday, Nov. 6 through Saturday morning, Nov. 11. Traffic will be maintained.