
Deerfield Regional Stormwater District
Following heavy rains with severe flooding in the Township, in 2003, the Deerfield Township Trustees filed a petition with the Warren County Court of Common Pleas seeking to create the Deerfield Regional Stormwater District (DRSWD). After proving the necessity for the District, the Court ruled that the District was thereby established as a separate political subdivision of the state of Ohio.
The District’s borders are identical to the unincorporated areas of Deerfield Township. The District was created to address stormwater quality and quantity issues within Deerfield Township. The collection and disposal of stormwater (also known as wastewater) by the District includes projects which address flooding through the repair, replacement or construction of infrastructure facilities. The District also functions to improve water quality by funding various facilities and projects to address pollution, sedimentation, and illicit discharges.
The District is governed by a three-member Board of Trustees. Meet the Board
Stormwater Management Plan
Deerfield Township is required to submit and manage a stormwater management plan (SWMP) in accordance with 40 CFR Part 122.32 and Ohio law. The plan outlines the steps that the Township takes to develop, implement, and enforce a stormwater management program designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, to protect water quality and to satisfy the appropriate requirements of the Clean Water Act in accordance with the Ohio EPA NPDES Phase II Program. The SWMP addresses the Six Minimum Control Measures of the Phase II program as required by state and federal regulations.
Stormwater Management Facilities
Storm sewers and stormwater facilities fall under different areas of jurisdiction throughout the Township:
- Stormwater conveyance facilities (swales, downspouts, sump pumps, pipes, channels, etc.) which convey stormwater from an individual private property to larger public stormwater collection facilities are the responsibility of the individual property owners.
- All public storm sewers and stormwater facilities within a Township roadway and the road right-of-way are maintained by Deerfield Township.
- Storm sewers and stormwater facilities which are either in a public-use easement or which carry public stormwater or to address unreasonable amounts of public stomwater which enters onto private property. These types of facilities may fall under the jurisdiction of the District.
The District collects a small fee from property owners to repair, construct and maintain certain public stormwater facilities which are typically outside of the road right-of-way. The District has established a set of Criteria for Assistance in its Regulations (policy 403) which outlines the types of projects eligible for District assistance. Generally speaking, those criteria permit the repair or construction of facilities which are either in a public-use easement or which carry public stormwater or to address unreasonable amounts of public stormwater which enters onto private property. The District will not expend funds to correct problems caused by one private property owner’s stormwater flooding a neighboring private property. The District will also not stabilize stream banks unless it is necessary to significantly address water quality or to address flooding or where unreasonable stream bank erosion is adjacent to and caused by discharge from a public storm water improvement. The majority of detention and retention systems throughout the Township are the responsibility of private property owners or HOA’s to maintain. The Guide to Managing Stormwater is an introduction on the function and proper maintenance of those types of facilities. Ensuring that stormwater facilities are properly functioning is a key step in the overall stormwater management within our area. This guide provides valuable overview with tips on how to maintain and fix them, how to recognize facilities in your development, and whom to contact with questions and other resources.
An Introduction to Maintaining Stormwater Facilities
Understanding Stormwater Drainage Maintenance – Home Owner’s Association Guide
Policies, Regulations, Documents, Applications, and Maps
Public Records - Resolution 2020-56
Criteria for Assistance - Policy 403
Stormwater Management Plan - Amended 12.14.21
Code of Regulations - Amended 03.14.23