
Report Non-Township Roadway Issues to:
Call Warren County for:
Bethany Rd, Brewer Rd, Butler-Warren Rd, Columbia Rd, Duke Blvd, Escort Dr, Fields-Ertel (north side of road), Innovation Way, King Ave, Landen Dr, Mason-Montgomery Rd, Natorp Blvd, Old 3'C, Snider Rd, Socialville-Fosters Rd, Wilkens Blvd
Call ODOT for:
US Route 22 & 3
Call Hamilton County for:
Fields-Ertel Rd (south side of road)
Call City of Mason for:
Kings Island Dr
For all other public roads in the Township, with the exception of private drives, please report problems to the listed contact below. All other issues or complaints un-related to roadways can submitted through our contact form or if you have a zoning specific complaint please submit your issue here.
Township Roadway Issues

Street Signs:
Please report faded, damaged or blocked street signs immediately to the Service Department at 513.697.2753 or after hours to the Warren County Dispatch Center at 513.925.2525.

Traffic Signals:
Please report problems with traffic signals to the Warren County Engineer's Office during business hours at 513.695.3301, or after hours call Warren County Dispatch at 513.925.2525. If the malfunctioning signal is on US 22 & 3 (Montgomery Road), please contact the Ohio Department of Transportation at 513.932.3030.

Pot Holes:
Please help us find and eliminate pot holes by reporting them during business hours to the Service Department at 513.697.2753, and after hours to the Warren County Dispatch at 513.925.2525.

Street Lights:
Street light outages should be reported to Duke Energy. Specific street light outages on Waterstone Blvd. should be reported directly to Chip Cowan at 513.701.6958 or by email.

Road Kill:
You may call the Service Department to report any dead animals that are within the public right-of-way on Township maintained roads or contact us via email. Depending on the level of decomposition and size of the dead animal, the Service Department may remove the animal or treat the animal with a substance that will accelerate the rate of decomposition and reduce the odor. To report road kill, please call the Road Department at 513.697.2753 or email Jim Houston

General Problem:
To report a general problem or concern relating to the Township’s roadway, please call our office at 513-701-6958 or email the Service Director - Public Works.