
Rules and Regulations
Cut flowers are permitted in appropriate vases year round. Please see the Cemetery Supervisor for details. Planted flowers are permitted April 1 through November 15.
- Flowers should be planted as close to the stone as possible and no more than 6 inches away.
- No flower pots or boxes will be permitted to be set on the lots.
- No trees, shrubs or bushes will be permitted to be planted on the grave.
- Artificial flowers are only permitted November 15 through March 31.
Artificial flowers permitted in fixed vases on monument year round.
- No grass will be permitted to be mowed by any lot owner. Grass will be mowed by cemetery employees.
- No flower pots permitted to be set at each end of stone unless on a concrete foundation will be placed by the cemetery for $20 each. (Must not be more than 10 inches in diameter.)
- No wrought iron stands, flower pots, vases, glass containers, figurines, fencing or toys allowed.
- Saddles on top of monuments are allowed from November 15 through March 31 only.
- Flowers are permitted on special holidays (Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day) for three (3) days. Birthdays and anniversary dates, please register with the office so flowers will not be removed.
The Township does not assume responsibility for flowers or shrubbery on a grave site, or flowers or other decorations on grave sites.
Decoration of Graves
Beautification of cemetery lots is permissible, however, permission must be obtained from the Cemetery Supervisor with approval of the Board of Trustees.
No bushes or shrubbery should be planted since the removal or erection of a structure or object, or the planting or plants or shrubs may be considered injurious to the general appearance of the cemetery. Installation and removal of bushes is only to be done by cemetery personnel. Please check with the office if you have any questions.
All monument markers and private mausoleums not placed by Rose Hill Cemetery must be erected under the supervision of the Cemetery Supervisor. All must contain foundations and these will be put in by the Cemetery Supervisor at the owner's expense.
All grave markers must be commercially manufactured and engraved. Flags are only permissible in flag holders with the exception of Memorial Day weekend.
Funeral Services
Funeral arrangements must be coordinated through a funeral director. The Cemetery Supervisor is responsible for collection of all monies for services rendered and funds due the cemetery. All charges must be paid to the Supervisor before interment and must be in the form of money order, certified check, cashier's check or personal check. All charges must be paid at the time of interment.
Cemetery Lots
Any lot owner may give permission by written order for the burial of other than his or her immediate family in his or her lot, but not for money or other consideration or profit.
Control of lots may be passed on to heirs of the deceased. However, for continuance of ownership, the heir that has possession of deed controls the use of the lot. The record maintained by the cemetery is binding at all times unless the Board of Trustees determines otherwise.
Unused lots may be sold back to the Trustees at any time upon consent of the Board but only for the amount the lot was purchased for originally. The original deed is needed to sell lots back to the Township.
Maintenance and Enforcement
Cemetery maintenance work may be performed only by Township employees or by duly authorized outside contractors. All maintenance work will be performed under the supervision of the Cemetery Supervisor. Township employees are charged with the responsibility of enforcing rules and regulations.
Concrete or steel burial vaults are required for burial. Flat lid vaults are not permitted.
No one is allowed to drive, ride or park on any part of the cemetery grounds except on roadways provided, except with permission from the Cemetery Supervisor.
Pets are not permitted in the cemetery unless they remain confined in the owner's vehicle. The only exception is animals used to assist visually or hearing impaired persons.